How Did I Get into this Anime Shit?
A few weeks ago (I've been procrastinating, I know) I asked my friend, "Why you don't watch anime anymore?". And then he said, "I think it's just a waste of time". Fuck. That was really a pain in the ass. I know he is right. But, honestly, almost everyone wastes time in one way or another. Watching TV, listening to music, playing with Facebook, Instagram, etc. Watching anime isn't that bad, am I right? *** Let's get back to the main topic. Recently, I've written a few anime stuff in this blog. And one day, I was thinking to myself, "Hey, how did this happen? How did I get into this shit?". I was confused. That was quite a tough question to answer. I don't even know how to start, but ... if I don't force myself I will be procrastinating again. So, I think I've found a way to write down that answer in a blog post (thanks to my IDM and μtorrent history, I can get the list in order). Here we go! Childhood Animes ...