
Showing posts from 2016

For Every High Schooler Out There Who Watches Anime

While you're still in high school, watch as much as you can. Really.

UNU, Swarm Intelligence yang Berhasil Memprediksi Pemenang Oscar 2016

Sebelumnya, saya mau membahas beberapa hal terlebih dahulu (silakan di- skip kalau kamu tidak berminat, hehe). Sudah lama saya gak menulis di blog ini lagi. Tulisan saya akhir-akhir ini isinya tentang anime semua haha. Karena sekarang saya sudah mau masuk kuliah (dan jurusannya teknik lagi), sepertinya perlu untuk mengganti topik walaupun cuma sejenak. Oh ya, semua tulisan wibu saya sebelumnya juga ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Kali ini saya mau nulis pake Bahasa Indonesia, khususnya karena topik tulisan kali ini masih sangat jarang dibahas dalam Bahasa Indonesia (biar banyak traffic gitu loh). Terakhir, saya melakukan beberapa eksperimen dalam postingan ini. Yang pertama adalah saya menggunakan "saya" dan bukannya "aku", dan yang kedua adalah saya menggunakan format FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ) atau lebih tepatnya Q&A ( Questions and Answers ) karena yang tanya saya sendiri dan yang jawab saya sendiri huhu. Oke, selamat membaca! *** Apa Itu UNU?...

Why Is Hatsune Miku So Popular?

Right now, I'm in a very bad procrastination. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything in the past week. But, apparently, only in situation like this I can set my mind free and think about irrelevant things in my life, such as Hatsune Miku (hell, why I keep writing about weird stuff). If I recall correctly, many many years ago someone told me that there was a singing hologram named Miku which just held a concert, and the concert was attended by real people (man, what a crazy world). At that point, I don't know (nor I care) anything about Vocaloid. I wonder if anyone else also doesn't. Then I found this interesting survey. In January 2013, a 3 day survey was run by Tokyo Polytechnic University . During the survey (based on ages 12–38) 95% of those entering reported knowing who Hatsune Miku was. In comparison, participants barely knew who Megpoid , IA or Aoki Lapis were. A careful look at google searches also seem to support this hypothesis: Note: Of cou...

What Do I Feel After Watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica?

Bad. Very bad. I don't really know why, but I feel very gloomy today. Maybe it's because of the anime, or because of the sleep deprivation after marathon-watching it last night, or maybe it's because the fact that I can't talk to anyone about this anime. It's holiday, so I can't go to school and talk it with my friend (not "friends"). I didn't think it would be so hard to have a hobby that nobody else close to you have. *** And now, for the actual review. If you like anime, you all must know this one, right? Just like what the title says, it's a story about magical girls. However, many people said that this anime is "dark". This is a story about the dark side of magical girls. This is a thriller where all the main characters are cute girls with magical powers... something like that.