
Showing posts from 2018

What If There Are Two of Me?

24 February 2021: I don't really agree anymore with many of the things I've said here. *** I’m not really sure when did I start thinking about this, but I’m sure that this thought is at least partly inspired by ( WARNING: SPOILER! )  this movie . What’s interesting is that I might not be the only one who has this thought. If I recalled correctly, one of my friends brought up this topic in one of our conversation. He said that it’d be fun if there is an extra copy of himself. Well, I had been thinking thoroughly about this matter, and I quickly said to him that it might not be that fun. First of all, having two persons with exactly the same mind is really complicated and could lead to unexpected outcomes. I can’t list all of the possibilities, but there are a few scenarios that came to my mind. Since we have exactly the same mind, when we meet each other, it’s possible that we both would be doing exactly the same action. I’d say “WTF!” and he’d say the same, I’d open my eyes w...

Silence is Not Always Golden

Halo, guys ! Akhirnya aku kembali menulis di blog ini lagi. Kali ini, aku menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia lagi (karena tulisan ini khusus ditujukan untuk orang-orang Indonesia). Selain itu, kali ini aku juga akan menceritakan sesuatu yang berfaedah, tidak seperti kebanyakan tulisan di blog ini wkwk . *** Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku memperoleh cerita yang sangat menarik saat sedang mengikuti kuliah Pengetahuan Lingkungan ( Environmental Science ). Materi kuliah hari itu adalah ‘Ekosistem’. Setelah basa-basi selama beberapa menit, sang dosen bertanya, “Apa itu ekosistem?”. Seketika seluruh kelas pun sunyi, tidak ada seorang pun menjawab. Dosen itu pun tertawa sambil geleng-geleng, kemudian menginterupsi kuliah untuk memberikan sebuah cerita: “Saya mau cerita. Saya dulu pernah ikut kursus Bahasa Jerman. Di kelas ada orang Indonesia, Jepang, dan Amerika. Menurut kalian siapa di kelas itu yang paling banyak ngomong/bertanya? Jawabannya orang Amerika. Walaupun mereka ga begitu paham, te...

Finally, A Post About Love

WARNING! This post contains major spoilers from No Game No Life Zero (anime), Doki Doki Literature Club (game), and Nagi no Asukara (anime). I highly recommend you to watch/play all these stuff before reading this post, but you're free to ignore this warning (e.g. if you're not interested in anime at all). YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED . You may now continue or leave as you wish. *** I've been wanting to write a post about this for a while, but I never figured out a proper way to write it. But magically, two days ago I realized that the problem all this time is that I was afraid of telling the world about this very subject: love. So, today, I decided to eat up all my doubts and go ahead to tell you about how I truly feel. The truth is that, for quite a while, I had this mindset of "I don't really need a girlfriend, I'm fine being alone". There's no girl that I'm particularly interested about, and I believed that dating is just a waste of money....