
Showing posts from 2019

Bang Dream! is My Favourite Game Right Now

Bang Dream! is my favourite game right now. But for a while, I was having trouble explaining why I like it so much. Yes, the illustrations are gorgeous, the songs are fun, the mechanics are user-friendly... but all of those things can't explain why I don’t get bored of this game even after playing for more than 3 months. I always knew that it was about the story. But I couldn’t tell exactly what part of the story was it. Well, it seems that I have found the answer today: BanG Dream! is willing to face its own problems with the story. I'll give you a few examples with the bands (some spoilers , of course). When I first played this game, I looked at each band on a glance, and I thought that Pastel*Palettes is the most cheesy. I mean, an idol band? What kind of uninspired idea is that? And just look at their outfit! Are they even taking this seriously? But boy, was I wrong. When I read their Band Story , I quickly realized that Pastel*Palettes is actually one o...

Speaker Pertama Saya: Oontz Angle Solo

Beberapa waktu lalu, saya melihat video ini dari channel YouTube GadgetIn : Sebenarnya, tujuan saya menjelajah YouTube saat itu bukanlah untuk mencari speaker, tetapi untuk melihat review mengenai Redmi Note 7 yang baru saja dirilis di Indonesia. Redmi Note 7 adalah smartphone yang sangat menarik. Tapi, saya sudah terlanjur membeli Redmi Note 5 Pro , dan kelihatannya perbedaan antara Note 7 dengan Note 5 Pro tidak terlalu signifikan (entah kenapa, Note 7 versi Pro tidak dibawa masuk ke Indonesia). *** Kembali lagi ke soal speaker. Semenjak ‘diracuni’ oleh teman saya untuk membeli SOUNDMAGIC ES18 , saya memang sudah jatuh cinta ke dunia audio. Karena hobi saya ini, saya sudah menghabiskan cukup banyak uang untuk membeli beberapa earphone dan headphone. Namun, saya belum pernah sekali pun membeli speaker. Seperti yang kita ketahui, speaker yang biasa ada di HP ataupun laptop biasanya… ya begitulah. Memang detailnya cukup bagus, tapi siapa pun yang suka bass pasti akan merasa...

Can You See Me?

How are you? Are you okay? Does it hurt somewhere? Are you hiding something? I hope there’s nothing wrong with you. Do you know how it all began? Do you know, why do I have to go through all this? Tell me, am I doing something wrong? I don’t even know how to live “normally” anymore. There’s only a faint memory of that time. When I don’t have to shoulder all these worries. Can you feel it? Can you feel the cold lurking behind these walls? Are you too scared to get closer? Are you trying to ignore it? Will you share some of your warmth, even if it hurts you? Can you see it? Can you see this carving on my skin? I made it just for you. I wish you could see how beautiful it is. Won't you accept me? If I show you a different color, would you still smile at me? If everyone turns their back on me, would you stay by my side? Even if the world rejects me, won't you let me sing a love song?