What Do I Feel After Watching Puella Magi Madoka Magica?

Bad. Very bad. I don't really know why, but I feel very gloomy today. Maybe it's because of the anime, or because of the sleep deprivation after marathon-watching it last night, or maybe it's because the fact that I can't talk to anyone about this anime. It's holiday, so I can't go to school and talk it with my friend (not "friends"). I didn't think it would be so hard to have a hobby that nobody else close to you have. *** And now, for the actual review. If you like anime, you all must know this one, right? Just like what the title says, it's a story about magical girls. However, many people said that this anime is "dark". This is a story about the dark side of magical girls. This is a thriller where all the main characters are cute girls with magical powers... something like that.